Friday, April 25, 2008

3am Thunder

Hey, good morning everyone. The loudest thunderclap I have ever heard just propelled me suddenly and completely out of dreamland and into the land of a dark and dripping wet Seoul. Leaped out of bed to see if I could catch it for you, and I did catch a lesser one before the storm moved on. I love thunder and lightning. As you can see, at 3:30am, there is less neon, praise Thor. Must be fewer people around at this time of night to woo with its charm.


Anonymous said...

So funny you say that thats the loudest thunderclap you ever heard. During that storm christo and I were discussing how tame the storms in Korea are in comparison to our city. hehehe... I miss short, crazy electrical storms when I am in Korea ;)

Anonymous said...


i told my bf about the thunder, and not many people heard about it that night. and then a few weeks later a big earthquake stroke in China. so i was thinking if the thunder was related to it lol. :)
and bf just sent me this link to tell me i'm not the one who witnessed it lol.

another 3am Thunder witness