Thursday, January 22, 2009

Suk11-best hostel ever

Whilst in Bangkok, we stayed at this lovely little hostel called Suk11, which is a strange name until you realize that all the streets in that area are Suk something or other. Here's the entrance, nestled in an alley off the main road:
Seriously, it's the coolest place ever. 4 stories high, and if you've ever been in one of those old used-book stores, the ones that wind in and around and up and down, with half-staircases and doorways that look like they lead to Narnia, then you can imagine the layout and feel of this hostel. The staircases up to each floor are themselves hidden in a slightly different place on each floor, so upon first arrival, it's a bit of a muddle trying to find your room. Add that to the fact that there are several different sets of staircases, long narrow passages filled with doorways and ladder-like stairways to places like staff kitchens and under-construction common rooms, and you have yourself a right regular adventure waiting for you. This is a picture of one of the lamplit, never-ending hallways:A balcony JUST big enough for this bench:
Looking over this charming pedestrian street:
And one of the coolest things about this place was the fact that the floors sometimes opened into balconies (no walls between), and housed outdoor showers (something you can do in a tropical clime):
There was a rooftop loft with vines hanging from the ceiling and old-fashioned wooden birdcages which also housed outdoor showers, but unfortunately I didn't get a photo.

And, we wouldn't be in Southeast Asia without Buddhas everywhere, now would we? This giant wood carving looks down on all climbing the steps to the first floor:
And there are lots of random shrines everywhere as well. Calling us all to pause and reflect in a moment of peace as we walk by, I believe:Two end notes:

1. I arrived in Bangkok the morning after the nightclub fire which killed 59 people on New Year's Eve. I felt saddened and shocked to hear the news, and also very lucky. We almost came to Bangkok for NYE, and we could've easily ended up there, who knows. God rest their souls and comfort their families; a terrible thing to happen. It all goes back to: no mixing drinking with fire.

2. This Saturday morning (Friday night Canada time), I board a plane for Shanghai. This weekend is Lunar New Year here in Asia; the biggest celebration of the year. I thought...China for Chinese New Year, how great would that be!? So I'm going to Shanghai with a big group of people, and hopefully it's a good time. So you won't hear from me for about a week or so. Happy Lunar everyone! Korean:

(Sae-hae bok man-i baduseyo!!) :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah it really is a great place!!! i just come every year and never ever want to leave... came this time on the 3 july 2009... who knows when i am leaving!!! its my home in thailand!!! i love you and the people in suk 11. matty