Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh, North Korea

This from Yahoo News...apparently North Korea is not too pleased about some South Korean activists sending giant balloons up over the border filled with leaflets urging the North Koreans to rise up against their dictator/communist leader Kim Jong-Il.

North Korea said such actions must stop, or it will turn South Korea into "debris." Even if they have the capability to completely squash us, and I suppose it's probable, I'm sure they think the US will just sit back and watch its bases here get completely destroyed? Honestly...after turning S.Korea into a heap of garbage, I just wonder what would be in store for them? They are the classic playground bully. And it's sad, how a government can at the same time brainwash and mistreat its own people. I hope one day the North can be reunited with the South, and its terrible government completely abolished, but as each year passes, it seems less and less likely.

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