Monday, September 15, 2008

Swimming brains

Sooo, I had a fabulous long weekend on a charming little island very close to the mainland (3 minute ferry ride). It's called Muui-do, and I've posted about it before. Lots of laying around, dozing in the sun, drinking coffee, sitting on the beach, etc...regular vacation stuff. :)

I wanted to show you this 1 minute video I took today between Muui Island and a another little island that you can walk to on low tide. Lots of people go out into the flats to dig for clams and catch crabs, and apparently octopuses. This video shows the latter, sort of. Seems they were transferring the octopuses from a net into a styrofoam box.

Just this past week, in fact, I watched a fabulous video about octopuses on National Geographic Kids with my kindergartens. You can also watch it, and I suggest you do (it's only a couple of minutes). Did you know that some octopuses can change colour or drop their legs if in danger? They also say that octopuses are basically swimming brains. So I feel bad for them, being ripped around by fishermen...they seem easily torn. Koreans eat loads of octopus...cooked, raw, and even, unfortunately, alive. If you go for the raw or alive version, apparently you have to be careful that the suction cups don't strangle you by sticking to your throat on the way down. Well...I think that's karma for chewing off a live animal's appendage. ;)

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