Sunday, September 7, 2008

Snack Street!

I saved the 'best' of my Beijing pics til last. And by best, I mean strangest.

I know you've all heard stories about the outlandish things that the Chinese eat. In general, they eat very 'normal' food, you know...noodles, rice, meat, veggies, and the like. But there's one street in Beijing, aptly nicknamed "Snack Street," lined with vendors selling things westerners would not consider food.

Let's start with normal.

Pineapple rice:
Candied fruit:

Veggies & noodles:Mini lobsters:
Ok, enough normal. On to strangee.

Sea urchins! (I assume we don't eat the pricklies?)

Who knows!Sheep testicles and penises! (the middle are the penises in case you were curious):

Giant larvae!
Scorpions! (honestly...giant exoskeltals on a stick? I'm wondering which poor, starving, desert wanderer started this trend):
And what, you may be thinking, did our adventurous Bethy try? Intestines? Private parts? Insects? No, no, no. I'm not a 'try anything once' kind of gal. I did, however, suspend my vegetarianism for one bite of snake:

Just like chicken! hahahaha


Deb said...

Oh Bethie, So sick!

In another land said...

I feel like a deer caught in headlights...I don't want to look but there I am staring at those insects and private parts of sheep I'm even writing about them! Maybe if I have some yogurt I'll feel better, yeah, fermented milk, that's good!

Unknown said...

heh heh heh.

I thought it was really interesting, but there's no way any scorpion was coming near my mouth! Especially not paying for the privilege! I know the vendors were tired of westerners running up and down the line snapping photos, asking what things were, and gasping in shock. lol