Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm here!

How profound, eh? heehee

Yes my friends, I am about to start my 2nd night in Seoul. I am well and happy and after about 2 hours of scrubbing, my strangeeeee bathroom is now clean. woohoo!

I'm sorry-no pictures at this time and I apologize for the short update, but I sliced my right index finger on a knife and it's exceedingly difficult to type without it. So, I will send along another update at a later time. Just wanted you to know all is well. Hope you are as well.

Here's a pic of seoul I pilfered so you can be entertained contemplating my new home and my 20 000 000 new neighbours. Cheerio!


joshua said...

I must say, because it's true!, that this is one of the very best blogs I've ever visited yet!



Anonymous said...

I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog. I don't know but for some reasons I feel attach to it. Maybe it's because somehow I can relate to you.
I guess I'll come back here to check your blog once in a while.
:-) geleen

Beth said...

Hey Joshua and Geleen, thanks for the compliments! I hope you enjoy your time with me as I spend my time in Seoul. :)