Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gwanak Mountain

Oh how I heart Korean fall/winter! Yes, it's December 2, and yes, I walked around without a coat today. 11 degrees Celcius. :D

It's also perfect for hiking, which I haven't done nearly enough of this time around in Korea. Finally did get out to a nice little mountain the other day with a few friends. It's called Gwanak Mountain, and it's pretty close to the racetrack. About an hour by subway from where I live (everywhere is an hour away by subway it seems...good for reading).

C & J. J pointing out that he's pretty sure we're on the path less traveled (and we were), and we were actually meant to be over there:

J taking a moment.
Me & A, my soul sista:
All views from Seoul mountains look the same: more mountains, and lots of lego-like buildings:

A nice surprise near the top ~ a temple:

C enjoying one of Korea's ubiquitous instant coffee machines, even at a temple on top of a mountain:J & A goofing around:
Kimchi pots:Hopefully get out hiking again this weekend. Enjoy your week! xoox

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