Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pretty Autumn

Sometimes I think I'm so lucky, it's impossible...there's so much beauty around me. Here is what I've seen so far this week:

Green shield bug. Super cool and chilled out...he even walked around on my hand for awhile, but I couldn't get a decent shot until he flew away:
The leaves are SO pretty...and the light coming from the bright sun in the clear sky is really breathtaking these days:
Today I rode along a path lined with these cool feather-plants:
And here are some of my kids yesterday for 빼 빼 로 Day (Peppero Day):

Pepperos are those chocolate-covered wafer sticks. On November 11, because the date can be written 11 11, it happens to look like 4 Pepperos in a row. What better reason to invent a holiday? It's not really a holiday, but a very clever marketing scheme...everyone in the country gives Pepperos to their friends, girlfriends, co-workers, etc on this day. All the convenience stores have special displays and sell special (read: giant and overpriced) Pepperos on this day. Bakeries even make their own Pepperos by dipping baguettes or those crouton-stick things in chocolate. Yes, it's ridiculous, but yes, still kind of fun in a campy, capitalist sort of way.

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