Monday, June 2, 2008

Mistakes can be a good thing

So on Sunday, me and A took the subway with the thought of finding a new temple/shrine that we hadn't yet seen. But we took the wrong subway line, and got off at a stop with a name similar to the one we had planned on. Anyway, it was a lovely mistake! We ended up in the outskirts of Seoul, in a more rural town, with a man-made waterfall, and some lovely hiking trails. Take a look-see.

Moi et A:
Me caught in infinity:
A view of the small city:

Some wall art along the hiking trails:

After wandering around in the woods for a bit, we left and walked in the town, where we came across this tiny temple with a huge Buddha on top:
We walked in through the gate, and the one little old monk who lives there came to greet us. He spoke no English, but words weren't needed, as he was so sweet and kind. He showed us into the small meditation room lined with gold Buddhas and paper lanterns. We sighed at how beautiful it was, and he lit all the candles for us. A perfect ending to my weekend!

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