I'm not sure if you know this or not, but Korea has a serious hate on for American beef. You can read the entire story here from the BBC. Apparently the trouble started back in 2003 when the US had a case of mad cow. According to the Korea Herald article, last October there was some spinal cord bone found in a shipment (Can anyone say, disgusting!), and since then no American beef has been allowed into the stomachs of Koreans. Yet another reason to be a vegetarian. No spinal cords on my plate, thanks.
Howev-ah, Mr. Recently-Elected-President-ay has tried in recent months to re-open the border, under pressure from the US. Well, that sent thousands upon thousands of protestors to the streets of City Hall every weekend, especially on Saturday nights. To his credit, he listened to the voices of his people and twice (I think) re-instated the ban. But, he's just now lifted it once again, so the protests downtown are bigger than ever. And more dangerous.
Anyway I was around City Hall yesterday (Saturday), and took a few pictures which I may post later...nothing exciting...there were a couple hundred people sitting in the street in front of the police buses that were barricading the route to the Blue House (President's house). Nothing much happening...the real stuff happens at night. I wasn't there at night...it's kind of dangerous, because the police have been using water cannons. American beef is not worth this Canadian getting water cannoned, thanks! To be fair, sometimes the protests are not exactly peaceful. Which is a shame, really. Violent protest doesn't really help anything, in my opinion. Here's a video from the BBC of Saturday night's protests:
Apparently there are containers of beef sitting in storage yards in the port cities just waiting for the ban to be lifted so they can start traveling to our tables. Protestors and activists are apparently now going to try to block the transportation routes. But if they can't, get out those chopsticks all you steak-loving carnivores. BBQ tonight anyone? ;)