Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lama Temple

This temple, also known as "Yong He Gong Lamasery," was built in the 1600s, and is actually a Tibetan temple in the heart of Beijing. If you are anything like me, you are likely thinking this is pretty ironic. I'm glad I went, because it made me really think about the fact that China has not always been communist/oppressive, and has not always treated Tibet with such selfishness and force. In fact, the buildings were converted into a lamasery in 1722 by Prince Yong because of his fascination with Tibetan Buddhism. Monks from Mongolia and Tibet came to live and study there. How wonderful is that! Covering 16 acres, the halls have names like the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of Harmony and Peace, the Hall of Everlasting Blessings, and the Pavilion of Infinite Happiness. Amusing as these names sound to western ears, I hope that the future of China and Tibet relations will actually embody the spirit behind them.

The temple was lovely and refreshing, despite the warm, heavy weather.

Below: so nice to see the Tibetan script again.

Below: Tibetan prayer wheel, spun by the faithful whilst chanting mantras, and believed to release the rolled-up prayers within it to the heavens.

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